Brisbane, Australia

Platypus Packaging Print

Migrating its print workflow to the cloud with Kodak's secure workflow solutions gave Platypus flexibility, scalability, and peace of mind


Family-run Australian printer that specializes in producing cartons for the food and beverage, and pharmaceutical sectors


Securely move entire printing workflow to the cloud – to future-proof operations, with greater productivity, flexibility, and peace of mind

Kodak Solution


"We no longer have to deal with upgrading our operating systems, buying and maintaining servers, or fearing a security breach. Instead, we can put much more attention into ensuring we’re creating the best products for our customers."
Aaron Lusch, General Manager, Platypus
Platypus Print Packaging
Peace of mind: Aaron Lusch (General Manager) and Lucas Wong (Prepress Manager) of Platypus Print Packaging, Brisbane, Australia.


Platypus Print Packaging was the first company in the APAC region to upgrade to Kodak's cloud-based print workflow platform, PRINERGY On Demand. Giving the company the opportunity to remodel how they work from managing and accessing data to remote working, it freed up valuable time and energy, leaving the team able to focus on what matters most – offering quality print to their clients.

The Business Need

Printing businesses can generate major benefits working in the cloud, from operational cost-savings to day-to-day workforce flexibility. But adopting a cloud-based workflow isn’t risk-free and a move to the cloud needs to align with business strategy.

In 2020, Platypus was running a KODAK PRINERGY server on premises. This delivered everything they needed in terms of power but came with the considerations of any in-house system – not least the hours and expense of buying and maintaining servers and keeping their systems secure.

Having suffered cyber security threats in the past, Platypus also found itself operating with the constant awareness that a breach could happen at any time.

So the company faced a decision: they could treat their latest upgrade as business as usual and merely reinvest in updating their hardware. Or they could take a leap to the cloud and create the foundation on which to tackle an uncertain future with confidence.

The Kodak Solution

Platypus chose to upgrade to Kodak’s new cloud-based printing workflow platform, PRINERGY On Demand. By doing so, they could hand over the management and monitoring of their system to Kodak, 24/7.

That meant automatic updates for Platypus's workflow to the latest operating systems and the certainty that its data, and that of its customers, was completely secure. PRINERGY On Demand is backed by Microsoft Azure's $1B+ investment in security and R&D.

With PRINERGY On Demand, virtual machines and work-in-process data are automatically replicated to a second data center. So, Platypus’s business-critical prepress software can be recovered easily and quickly, should that ever be needed.

Platypus can also take advantage of PRINERGY On Demand’s Decision Analytics to improve operations, using information about the business to highlight opportunities for cutting costs, streamlining processes, and reducing waste.

Their employees benefit too. PRINERGY's Virtual Desktop capability makes remote operations easy and free of barriers, leaving prepress professionals free to work from anywhere.

The Outcome

Platypus's PRINERGY On Demand install went smoothly, with a seamless integration across the company. The team didn't have to make any changes to operations, and suffered no disruptions in the transition. Meanwhile, the cloud quickly showed just how powerful it is as a workflow foundation.

The biggest next day impact? The significant peace of mind that it brought to the team. They no longer had to worry about hackers, losing their data, costly downtime, or unexpected catastrophic events that could compromise their business.

Platypus is now equipped for the future, without the rolling need to invest in new hardware. Instead, they have a workflow foundation they can scale. They can continue to grow as a business, safe in the knowledge that Kodak's platform is always up-to-date, secure, and primed to adapt to whatever changes the future brings.

And that means they are free to continue creating compelling products with their customers in a workflow everyone can trust in.

"After dealing with cyber security threats in the past, we wanted a workflow system that had all the power of our on-premise system, with even more powerful security"
Aaron Lusch, General Manager, Platypus
"Thanks to PRINERGY On Demand, Platypus no longer have to worry about hackers, losing their data, costly downtime, or unexpected catastrophic events that can compromise their business."
Todd Bigger, Vice President of Print, Kodak
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